Beavers is open to all children from the ages of 6 to 8. Beavers meet in groups called Colonies, with each Colony separated into Lodges.
Rhyddings Scout Group runs one Colony which meets on a Thursday from 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, outdoor activities, playing games, arts and crafts. There is a selection of badges that young people can work towards to celebrate personal achievement including the Chief Scout Bronze Award. But it is mainly about having fun!
As a Beaver, your child may have the opportunity to spend nights away at camps and sleepovers. This gives a real sense of adventure and maybe the first time away from home.
There is a termly subs fee for attending section nights. This covers costs like rent, activities, insurance and more.
Scouting is all about #SkillsForLife. We prepare them for life with skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication and responsibility.
This parents guide to Beavers contains lots more information about what we do. If you still have questions contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.
Beavers wear a uniform consisting of a blue jumper and a Rhyddings Group Scarf.
From the age of 8 Beavers move up to the next exciting section of Scouting, Cubs.
Real name: Robyn
Role: Beaver Scout Leader
Service: Joined Scouts at age 10, following a brief stint in the Brownies. Young Leader for Beaver Scouts at age 14 becoming ABSL at age 18. Took a break from the movement while studying, but as normally happens within Scouting, didn’t stay away for long!
About: Came to Swansea as a student and decided to put down roots. BSc (Hons) in Medical Genetics and MSc in Chronic and Long-Term Conditions Management. Currently working as a Laboratory Technician.
Real name: Kaitlin
Role: Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
Service: Joined Rainbows aged 5, went to Brownies at age 7 to 11. Moved to Swansea and joined Guides from age 10 to 12. Arrived at 32nd Rhyddings as a Volunteer whilst doing Duke of Edinburgh Award, then became a Young Leader at 17. Now ABSL.
About: A keen gamer and enjoys making YouTube videos. Enjoys physical activities and regularly plays football.