Who can join
We welcome all young people (boys and girls), aged 8 to 10 ½, of all (or no) faiths.
What we do
At Cubs the emphasis is on fun and friendship. We learn by playing.
Cub Scouts learn new skills, earn badges, but above all have fun! Everything we do is based around community, creativity, fitness, beliefs or global issues. Activities could include football, archery, rifle shooting, camping, tying knots, sewing, becoming a collector – the list is (not quite) endless!
When is it
We meet on Thursday evenings from 6pm until 7.30pm during term time.
Where we do it
We meet in the Area Scout & Guide HQ on Bryn Road, Brynmill, Swansea. Sometimes we will meet elsewhere to do a particular activity. That might be the beach, Singleton Park, or one of the fantastic camp sites around Swansea.
What is the set up
A Cub meeting starts with “Grand Howl”, which is our way of saying welcome. This is followed by inspection to ensure all Cubs are in correct and tidy uniform. We play games and do badge work.
We split into groups (called Sixes) for some activities.
What does it cost
There is a termly fee of £47 (reduced by £7 if there is a sibling in the group). This covers costs like rent, insurance and resources for our activities. The fee is reviewed annually.
What about uniform
Cubs wear a green sweatshirt. All badges are sewn onto this. There is also a green polo shirt available (optional).
Cubs will be provided with a scarf (necker) and a woggle when they are invested.
Our Leaders are all volunteers, and have been trained and DBS checked to ensure all Cubs are safe, that sessions are inclusive and great fun! We do have occasional helper volunteers – if you’re interested in helping, talk to one of the Cub Leaders:
Real name: Bob
Role: Cub Scout Leader
Service: Joined 1st Southgate (152nd North London) in 1971. Moved into Scouts in 1974. Assistant Patrol Leader then Patrol Leader. Eagle Patrol, Scout Standard, Advanced Scout Standard and Chief Scout Award. Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Most memorable achievement was attending Great Children’s Party in 1978 in Hyde Park as a staff member and meeting The Queen and The Princess Royal. 1979 Venture Scouts and Assistant Cub Scout Leader, Venture Award, Queens Scout Award, Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Most memorable achievement was the 1984 St George’s Day Parade at Windsor Castle. 1989 Cub Scout Leader 1st Southgate. Wood Badge 1996. Moved to Swansea in 2003. Became Assistant Cub Scout Leader 32nd Swansea (Rhyddings). 2007 Cub Scout Leader and Assistant Group Scout Leader 22nd Swansea (Christchurch). Added Beaver Scout Leader in 2009, with Christchurch. Returned to 32nd Swansea (Rhyddings) as Assistant Cub Scout Leader in 2019 and became Cub Scout Leader in 2020.
About: Worked in the print industry for 6 years. 24 years with the Royal Mail. Now a data collector.
Real name: Chris
Role: Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Service: Started aged 9 in Fulham, London. After a (long) absence from Scouting, rejoined in 2018, starting as Occasional Helper and progressing to Assistant Cub Scout Leader.
About: Many years working at the BBC. Produced pantomime for over 10 years in Hertfordshire. Now Chair of Governors of St David’s Primary School, and Trustee of Swansea Parent Carer Forum.
Real name: Tali
Role: Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Service: Started at Cubs in 32nd and went all the way to Scouts before being absent for a few years and then re-joining in 2020 as Assistant Cub Scout Leader
About: Currently working with the Finance Sector.
Moving on
Cubs move to Scouts when they are at least 10 ½ years old.