All sections wear uniform to section meetings, camps and trips. However, for some activities the leader may decided that uniform might be unsuitable. You would be informed what is expected if this is the case.
Beaver Scouts
Beavers wear a blue sweatshirt as their main uniform. As they earn their badges they will be sewn on the sweatshirt. There is also a polo shirt which can be worn underneath, this is optional.
Cub Scouts
Cubs wear a green sweatshirt as their main uniform. As they earn their badges they will be sewn on the sweatshirt. There is also a polo shirt which can be worn underneath, this is optional.
Scouts wear a teal shirt (blouse option for girls) as their main uniform. As they earn their badges they will be sewn on the sweatshirt. There is also a polo shirt which can be worn for activities, this is optional.
The Group Scarf (Necker)
When your child is ready to be invested their Necker will be available from the Section Leader.